Why Should You Enroll Your Children in Islamic School?

Parents have very strong reasons for choosing islamic schooling. They look for strengthening The child’s Muslim identity and belonging, preventing discrimination in school bullying and instilling children with Islamic knowledge and Islamic values education.

The Islamic school looks after Islamic values and identity and also follows a British curriculum. They have classes which are smaller in size and hence it gives the advantage of avoiding normal school runs. They have highly qualified teachers who conduct interactive and engaging lessons live, online. The lessons which the teachers provide online are recorded so that students can recap and go over anything they would like to revise. Even The students who did not attend the class won’t miss it. They believe that a large amount of classroom time is spent on disruption and classroom management and hence they have built up their curriculum in such a manner that they provide online lessons which reduce this smoothly . Their lessons are more focused and to the point so they require way less time to complete the lectures. Their teachers are very punctual and the classrooms are very disciplined. Students have an advantage of interacting with the Teachers and peers during lessons via video platform.

It is an independent muslim secondary school . Alrushd.co.uk have a track record of hiring highly qualified professionals in specific fields. The teachers are very welcoming, compassionate and zealous in regards to transferring their knowledge to pupils without any biases. Their teachers use various strategies to make lessons stimulating and engaging and also to satisfy all categories of students. The live lessons consist of a lot of variations and study material which includes interactive whiteboards, quizzes, Q and A rounds, and group discussions. Their resources allow students to grasp difficult topics effortlessly which a traditional school is unable to offer. Apart from these they provide the teachings of holy Quran as the primary source of education. 

Their purpose of doing this is to provide experiences which are based on fundamentals of Islam as in boarded in holy Quran and Sunnah which cannot be changed. Not just education but the motive of this school is to provide Muslim children with an environment in which they can learn and live Islam.  the homogeneity of their culture will help them groom and enhance their loyalty towards their religion. The students who are enrolled at this institutions are expected to attend tarbiyah classes on their priority. The faculty considers students spirituality important, hence the presence of pastoral care is available. They want to give a family atmosphere to the students. If you want your child to study comfortably, Al-rushd  is the perfect fit.

Also Read:- Best Online school for high-quality teaching within your budget


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