Amazing Facts about Muslim Primary School and Madrasah in Stratford E15 UK


A madrasa is the most commonly called Muslim Primary School of these schools. In general, madrasas teach the Qur'an, the Prophet Muhammad's recorded sayings, holy law, and other Islamic subjects. Unless otherwise specified, the term madrasa refers to primary and secondary Islamic religious school History. The madrasa is a centuries-old educational institution.

The Nizamiyah, one of the first established madrasas, was built in Baghdad during the eleventh century. These schools teach Islamic rituals and beliefs, the Arabic language (which is required to read the Qur'an), Islamic scripture, and a variety of other Islamic topics. According to some studies, Muslim youngsters are abandoning their parents' nationality and adopting UK culture. An Islamic school is significant because Afifah provides a safe atmosphere for youngsters to learn and practice Islam. Students develop a strong sense of identity with the Muslim Ummah. In its most literal sense, Islamic education refers to the Muslim community's attempts to educate its own, to pass on the heritage of Islamic knowledge, first and foremost through its major sources, the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Islamic education provides children with the necessary knowledge of Islam. By providing Islamic education, children can be taught the correct understanding of Islam. Parents or grandparents may not have a complete understanding or correct information because they have not attended official classes on all elements of Islam. Al-Rushd Independent School saves you both time and money because it is available everywhere in the world without requiring anyone to travel. Math, English, Humanities, Sciences, Communication, Arabic, and Islamic studies, as well as Design & Creative Studies, are available to students at Al-Rushd Independent Muslim Primary School.

Best Madrasah in Stratford E15 UK

 Al-Rushd is well-versed in both modern and traditional teachings. Al-Rushd strives for the best degree of excellence in religious, cultural, and academic performance by allowing students to realize their full potential. Our management staff at Madrasah in Stratford E15 strives to ensure that all learners complete their education in order to provide them with the required knowledge and skills for their future. Our students graduate prepared for success in their fields of specialty. If you are looking for a decent Muslim primary school in the UK, then connect with us and visit our website  

Why Muslim Primary School is Important For a Muslim Person and Study?

The Islamic objective of education, according to Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, is a balanced evolution of the complete personality through educating the spirit, intellect, rational self, sentiments, and bodily senses so that faith is infused into the full personality.

In Islam, education is the responsibility of each and every individual. The divine commandment has made knowledge acquisition mandatory. The goal of education in Islam is to link and balance humankind's physical and spiritual growth. And to provide experiences based on fundamentals of Islam as embodied in the Holy Quran and Sunnah that cannot be changed, and to provide experiences in the form of knowledge.


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