Why do parents choose Muslim Primary School for their children’s bright future?

Islam attaches great importance to education, and as the faith spread among different peoples, education became an important channel through which a universal and harmonious social order could be established. Early Muslim Primary School emphasized practical work

 such as the application of technological knowledge to the development of irrigation systems, architectural innovations, textiles, iron and steel products, clay pots, and leather goods; trade promotion; and chartering a merchant fleet. However, after the 11th century, sectarian interests dominated higher education and Islamic sciences came to the fore.

The impact of Islamic education in the Western Muslim Primary School

As Europe absorbed the fruits of Islam's creative productivity over the centuries and began to appear on the European continent.

The 12th century was marked by a massive influx of Muslim Primary School to give knowledge to the Western world, through the translation of hundreds of Muslim works that helped Europe gain the upper hand in Islam when political conditions in Islam led to a decline in Muslim scholarship. 

Following a few key points will help you choose a good Muslim Primary School:

A professional Islamic School teacher must be an informed, educated, and well-educated seeker of knowledge, as well as a true Muslim. 

1.       In the co-educational system, that is, there should not be separate classes for boys and girls.

2.      Classrooms should be well decorated and furnished and bathrooms should be clean.

3.      The 'class size' should be reasonable, not too big, not too small, and not too narrow. It is strange that in a large classroom, the children cannot see the blackboard and the class is very small. Likewise, the classroom should respect the environment.

4.      The state of the toy library and the classroom must be perfect in all aspects; outside electrical wiring, broken windows, shabby furniture, broken chairs, etc. it should not be.

5.      Before enrolling a child in kindergarten, check the facilities, including sports facilities. Make sure there are no swings that could harm children and that there are separate play areas for older and younger children.

6.      Artistic and craft activities must also be present in the school. These activities foster children's self-confidence and creativity.

7.      There should be a canteen with hygienic food.

Choosing a Muslim Primary School School for your child

The new Muslim Primary School year is just as important for parents as it is for children. While some parents are enrolling their children in school for the first time, others, are dissatisfied with the previous school administration. And their children's progress, are seriously concerned about choosing a new and better school.

According to Lady Evelyn, all parents with a bright future for their children will become good citizens and great supporters of their country, society, and family in all aspects.


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